Due to the gorgeous weather forecast, the Lacombe Performing Arts Centre and the Echo Lacombe Association will be putting on a pop-up event at the Lacombe Memorial Centre’s stage this Wednesday evening. The event will be a bit of a pre-cursor to the Music in Park events which will kick-off in June.

The performer will be Melody Stang who is from the Red Deer area.

“She will be performing from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM which is typical of a Music in the Park concert. Bring a blanket and bring some chairs. It's a free concert for the community just to get out and enjoy the nice weather while we have it,” said Rosanna Kerekes, Executive Director of the Lacombe Performing Arts Centre.

The organizations were inspired to put on the event by the excellent weather forecast for Wednesday. Environment Canada is expecting a high of 21 that afternoon.

“It's a good way to wind up Music in the Park. It's just a good opportunity to give back to the community and is another opportunity to chat and check out some live music,” she added.

You can check out the performance from 6:00PM to 7:30PM on Wednesday, May 4 at the Echo Lacombe Stage outside of the Lacombe Memorial Centre.