The Central Alberta Sexual Assault Support Centre (CASASC) will be launching their ‘Holidays of Respect Campaign’ on Monday, November 27. This will be the first holiday campaign the CASASC has offered.  

The organization is asking for donation for their programs and services, but understanding that not everyone has the ability to provide a donation, they also want to spread a message of respect. The Central Alberta Sexual Assault Support Centre wants to encourage warmth, awareness, respect, and consent around relationships.  

"We want to focus on building a culture and a community of respect in Red Deer, all year around. Respect is the gift that keeps on giving. This campaign aims to spread joy, warmth, and compassion throughout our community while raising funds for CASASC." Patricia Arango, executive director, CASASC. "When you have a culture of respect it has a ripple effect within the community. When people feel respected in their family, workplace, school or place they live they return that respect to others." 

Donation towards the campaign will support central Albertans affected by sexual violence and abuse through their crisis response line, sexual assault response team, play therapy programs, couselling services, and police and court support services.  

You can donate to their campaign by visiting their website or spread the message of respect by using the hashtags #HolidaysofRespect and #CASASC.