On April 21, 2023, Olds RCMP received a request to assist Edmonton Police Service (EPS) in locating a missing 13-year-old female. Olds

RCMP officers attended a possible location for the youth and the door was opened partially by an unknown male. This male confirmed that the youth was in the residence but refused police entry to ensure she was ok. Fearing for the youths safety, officers detained the male and entered the residence. Officers located the youth hiding under a stairway.

Dean Humphrey (34), a resident of Olds, has been charged with the following:

  • Luring a Child contrary to Sec. 172.1 (1)(c ) cc
  • Child Abduction contrary to Sec. 281 cc
  • Sexual Interference contrary to Sec. 271 cc
  • Sexual Assault contrary to Sec. 151 cc
  • Unsafe storage of firearms contrary to Sec. 86(2)
  • Possession of a firearm at an unauthorized place contrary to Sec. 93(2)

On April 22, 2023, Olds RCMP completed a search warrant for the residence where the youth was located. Evidence was located which supports these charges. On April 30, 2023, Olds RCMP executed a second search warrant at the residence, which resulted in the two firearms offences.

Humphrey appeared on April 22, 2023, for his first Judicial Interim Release (Bail) Hearing and was remanded into custody.  On May 1, 2023, at his subsequent appearance, Humphrey was released with conditions to appear in Alberta Court of Justice in Didsbury on May 15, 2023.

As the victim is a youth, no further information will be provided.