Big Brothers and Big Sisters Lacombe and District is busy running a couple of holiday campaigns.  

The organization’s Festival of Wreaths is currently happening and those from Lacombe and Blackfalds are invited to bid on a wreath created by local businesses. 

“This year, we had 38 businesses and organizations that participated. We always are so blown away just by the creativity that that they all put into their wreaths,” said Jen Harty, Interim Executive Director of Big Brothers Big Sisters Lacombe.  

All the proceeds from the silent auction will be going back towards Big Brothers and Big Sisters Lacombe and District and their mentoring programs including the community-based program, in-school mentoring program, and group programming.  

You can check out the wreaths at the Lacombe Memorial Centre and Blackfalds’ Abbey Centre. The bidding will close on December 15th at noon. You can bid on the wreaths online by clicking here.  


As always, Big Brothers and Big Sisters Lacombe and District will also once again be hosting Adopt-A-Family this holiday season. Local families are matched a wish list of a family in need and tasked with fulfilling that wish list.  

“We've already been matching the donors with the family. Everybody's really getting into the holiday spirit,” added Harty.  

However, if you are looking to donate but can’t quite take on an entire family’s wish list Harty says your donations will still be accepted and appreciated. 

“We welcome anyone that would like to apply to become a donor, and we always figure out where their donations can go to support a local family in the community,” she explained.  

Already there are over 20 families in need this holiday season that the Adopt-A-Family program will be supporting.  

If you would like to help out, you can visit the Big Brothers Big Sisters Lacombe and District Website or contact them through their Facebook page.