Students at École H.J. Cody High School in Sylvan Lake gained ideas about possible careers, thanks to a recent career event at their school. Last week about 40 local professionals presented two half-hour sessions to students about their own careers.

The spotlighted careers spanned a wide variety of types of jobs: nursing, musician, marketing, marine biology, teaching, welding, accounting, Canadian armed forces, powerline worker, CT scan technologist, pipe trades, hair stylist, animal control, criminal law, tattoo artist, physiotherapy, medical lab assistant and more.

photo of classroom

Each presenter shared what their job is like on a daily basis, what education or preparation they needed to get the job, and what their journey to that job was like. Career day happens annually, for one hour during the school year. Students sign up in advance for two career presentations they want to attend.

“Our intent is to let students explore what might be possible,” said Alex Lambert, Principal of H.J. Cody. “When students get excited about what’s ahead, they make connections to learning and are motivated about making the most of their high school experience.”

Lambert and organizer Darla Bell are both grateful for the community support. “We could not have this successful event without our incredible community,” said Bell, a Career Practitioner at H.J. Cody.

“Thank you to the presenters and to our community, for sharing your career journeys and inspiring our youth.”