The City of Lacombe would like to notify residents that their 2020 Property Assessment Notices were mailed out on Friday February 14, together with a brochure containing information on how property assessment values are determined.

“It is important for property owners to review their property assessment notices well before the April 27, 2020, property assessment complaint deadline, as tax bills are not disputable,” said Property Tax Coordinator Marc Perreault.

“If you have concerns with your assessment value, or have questions about the property assessment process, please contact the City so we can put you in touch with our one of our assessors.”

Perreault said that people need to ensure that all the details are correct and that they agree with the value of the assessment. He said if people don't feel the assessment is accurate, the assessors will go through specific details on the home and explain various aspects that are taken into consideration for the assessment, such as the size of the lot, square footage or bedrooms. 

"This component is simply the assessment. There are two sides - the property taxes and the assessment. The taxes are basically calculated out of the mill rate that the City sets each year and the assessed value of the home. When you get the tax bill in June, you can't appeal the value that you are being asked to pay, but you can appeal the assessment ahead of that."

If you have not received your property assessment notice by February 28, 2020, please contact Marc Perreault at (403)782-1257 to receive a copy.

Further information about property taxes is available on-line at