With the holidays just around the corner, Board Chair for Wolf Creek Public School, Luci Henry is reflecting on the year. She believes it’s been another successful year for the school division. In a board column released to the public she outlined another successful year.  

“Our implementation of a common report card across grades K-9 is a testament to our commitment to clarity and consistency in student assessment. This initiative, now in its second year, aligns with the new curriculum and has been fine-tuned based on valuable feedback from stakeholders, ensuring parents have a clearer understanding of their children's progress,” she explained.  

High school students saw success as they prepared for post-secondary opportunities. Partnerships between post-secondaries including Red Deer Polytechnic and Olds College continue to provide opportunities for students.  

“In the realm of dual credit, our students have excelled remarkably, completing over 200 courses equivalent to more than 700 high school and post-secondary credits. This achievement not only demonstrates their dedication but also opens up diverse career paths,” she added.  

The school division is also proud to have support from their Wisdom and Guidance Committee.  

“This is a significant engagement platform, bringing together Indigenous Elders, families, and community members to contribute to our educational journey,” she explained.  

The school division is also looking forward to the completion of Blackfalds’ new high school, Iron Ridge Secondary Campus. It remains on track for its opening in the fall of 2024.  

Henri also took the time to thank teachers and staff for their dedication this year.  You can read the full column here.