Chinook’s Edge has announced that Carolynne Muncer will be the division’s Indigenous Education Coordinator. Muncer comes to the role following her retirement in June as Principal of Poplar Ridge School. Muncer looks forward to continuing her support of Indigenous learning for staff and students of Chinook’s Edge.

“Chinook’s Edge is excited to have Carolynne as Indigenous Education Coordinator. As a retired administrator from the Sylvan Lake area, she is well connected to Indigenous partners and division staff” said Karyn Barber, Associate Superintendent of System Services. “Carolynne and Patrick Mitsuing, former Indigenous Education Coordinator, have a strong vision around supporting learning and understanding for students and staff members across the division. Their continued partnership and connection is a gift to our jurisdiction.”

Barber said, “Carolynne is passionate about Indigenous Education and not only has past experience as Indigenous Coordinator with Chinook’s Edge but also teaches Indigenous Education courses at Red Deer Polytechnic. She is deeply invested in moving reconciliation forward in visible and tangible ways. Carolynne advocates for reconcili-action to benefit all students - Indigenous and non-Indigenous - creating a space for us to learn and grow together.”

Carolynne Muncer said, “I am excited to be in this role because education is really the place where we can make the biggest difference with reconciliation in Canada. I agree with former Senator Murray Sinclair (who served as chairman of Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission) on that point.”

Muncer said that she grew up in a First Nations community in Northern Ontario. “I am grateful for learning about the Ojibwe culture, ways of being and ceremonies,” she said. “These experiences are a part of who I am today.”

“I believe it is critically important that we do our part as Canadians to better understand our shared history with the Indigenous Peoples of Canada and their rich culture and languages. I feel a deep obligation and responsibility to do my part to leave a legacy of reconciliation to my grandchildren,” said Muncer. “The work of reconciliation is about redressing and building relationships, ensuring all people in Canada move forward and prosper together.”

Muncer said, “It will be great to work with Indigenous leads, division staff, and Indigenous partners to continue to grow together. I am looking forward to watching schools find their confidence in doing this important work, and to see what comes next.”