Lacombe City Council approved Offsite Levy Bylaw 509, which applies a consistent method for shared development costs between new developments and existing residents.

Offsite levies allow the City to collect funds to expand the infrastructure needed to support growth.

The updated Offsite Levy Bylaw come after the City met with landowners and developers from October to December 2022 to present the proposed rate changes in the Offsite Levy Bylaw and gather their feedback.

“The updated Offsite Levy Bylaw strikes a balance between encouraging new developments in our community and ensuring our infrastructure can serve the needs of new and existing residents,” Mayor Grant Creasey said. “On behalf of Council, I would like to thank landowners and developers for understanding the need for this updated Bylaw which helps ensure Lacombe remains an enviable place to live.”

The updated offsite levy rates are based on studies that determine infrastructure requirements to support 20 years of new development. Based on feedback from developers and landowners, the average rate increase in the approved bylaw is 7.3% ($84.6K/Ha).

The Bylaw also includes a three-year phase-in option for the new offsite levy rates to soften the immediate burden on developers and enables the deferment of levy payment until construction is substantially complete.