Olds Hospital and Care Centre will be receiving a few renovations and a $2 million Medical Device Reprocessing (MDR) upgrade.  

“We are pleased to have these funds going into the healthcare system,” says Nathan Cooper, MLA for Olds-Didsbury-Three Hills. “Investments like these are an important part in ensuring Albertans have access to healthcare facilities that are safe and secure; places that provide high-quality care when they or their loved ones are sick or injured.” 

The MDR ensures medical devices are cleaned and sterilized properly and is expected to be completed this summer. Other renovations will improve workflow and include other equipment upgrades.  

The funding from these projects is coming from the Government of Alberta’s Rural Health Facilities Revitalization Program.  

A further $5.5 million of government funding is currently being spent on other ongoing upgrades at the Care Centre, including parking lot resurfacing, replacement of a cooling unit, roof repairs and a new nurse call system.