The Government of Alberta is looking for public engagement as it works to refocus the province’s healthcare system.  

In January, there will be 30 in-person engagement sessions hosted by the Government of Alberta. Health care workers and Albertans are encouraged to attend the sessions. Those who wish to attend can recommend locations for the sessions by completing an online form that will be available from December 12th to 19th on  

“Engaging with health care professionals, patients and all Albertans is a vital pillar in our government’s effort to refocus the health care system. The input, experiences and feedback we gather will help create a more effective and efficient health care system that is accessible to all Albertans in every corner of the province. You deserve health care that supports you and your family now and for generations to come,” said MLA for Red Deer North and Minister of Health, Adriana LaGrange.  

You can fill out an expression of interest survey by clicking here.