The Red Deer RCMP is working to improve safety in the downtown core of Red Deer with the Downtown Patrol Unit (DPU). 

The DPU provides a visible street presence in the the city’s core while creating connections with citizens, business owners and social service agencies. DPU officers may be on foot, riding bicycles, segways, or police vehicles. 

On average 60 percent of DPU files are a result of proactive policing; meaning files are generated from police-initiated client interactions.  Such interactions include enforcing infractions, providing support, and making referrals to vulnerable populations. 

Constable Geiger has met with various downtown businesses in the last few weeks who have expressed their gratitude for the work done by DPU. Businesses have conveyed that without the Downtown Patrol Unit, their business would not be able to function. Clients are afraid of people that linger in the downtown core, and the DPU does an effective job in making their clients and patrons feel safe.

With the assistance of the Senior Management Team, Traffic Services, Domestic Violence Unit, and Youth Community Action Team, Red Deer RCMP has increased their  presence downtown over the last few months. 


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