École Olds High School students recently had the opportunity to hear from winners of the Amazing Race Canada. On November 23, Dr. James Makokis (Cree) and Anthony Johnson (Diné) an Indigenous, two-spirit couple, visited ÉOHS and spoke to students about Indigenous history in Canada.

École Olds High School Principal, Meaghan Reist, said, “We appreciated the opportunity to hear from Dr. Makokis and Mr. Johnson about their experiences on the Amazing Race, and also their insights about Indigenous history. This was one step in reconciliation for our school, and an opportunity to be reflective about the journey we are on.”

photo of students at ceremony

Reist referred to Makokis and Johnson’s team name on the Amazing Race - “Ahkameyimok” - a Cree term for “don’t give up, keep going, use whatever you have to get something done.” Reist said, “this message, to move forward in a positive way, is a powerful reminder for all of us walking the journey of reconciliation.”