At the October 3rd board meeting for Chinook's Edge School Division, transportation, enrolment and guest speakers were some of the topics. Here are the highlights from that meeting.

Board supports process for guest speakers

The Board recognizes that guest speakers can add richness to learning opportunities for students in schools. Also, the Board recognizes there are topics that can be sensitive from the perspective of some families. The Board asked the Superintendent to consider current administrative procedures, which govern schools, to ensure they reference that guest speakers support curriculum or division goals, and to consider communication with families when guest speakers are coming.

Board receives technology update

The Board received an update on technology from Jason Drent. The Board heard that a key focus for the division is ensuring staff are supported in mitigating cyber security risks as they do their work. Also, the Board heard that the fleet of computers and technology owned by the division is in good shape.

Transportation update

The Board heard that the division’s current fleet is at 111 buses. Seven new buses were delivered for Sept. 1 and seven buses were due shortly. There were changes to MELT (Mandatory Entry-Level Training) at the provincial level, but requirements for training and certification are still a challenge. The division is working to find sufficient spare drivers, although this remains a challenge.

Board accepts recommendation of auditor in advance of annual audit

The Board received and accepted the recommendation from its auditor to increase audit materiality from $2.5 to $3.5 million. The level of materiality determines the volume of checks on spending by the auditor, and is in accordance with industry standards. With the Board’s approval, the auditors will proceed with their annual work, which the Board will review in a future meeting.

Enrolments are holding steady in Chinook’s Edge

As of September 30, enrolment in Chinook’s Edge was 11,101 students. The number of students in the division is similar to previous years and is approximately what was anticipated in the budget. The Board welcomes all of the division’s students and wishes them a great year of learning!