Council declared train whistle use to be discontinued in Lacombe at three intersections, reducing noise pollution within the community.

Train whistle cessation will occur at the Wolf Creek Drive rail crossing at Bretcher Subdivision mile 10.64, the 34 Street rail crossing at Bretcher Subdivision mile 10.04, and the 46 Avenue rail crossing at Leduc Subdivision mile 18.00.

"I am pleased to announce that Council has taken significant steps to reduce noise pollution within the community at these intersections," Mayor Grant Creasey said. "Unfortunately, the crossing on 50th Avenue did not receive approval for whistle cessation due to the rail company's requirements. Council hopes to mitigate traffic and safety issues at this intersection and is investigating long-term solutions. We thank the residents for their patience and understanding as we work to improve the quality of life in our city."

The City and Canadian Pacific Kansas City (CPKC) – previously CP Rail – agreed three of the five crossings within City limits are eligible for whistle cessation. Council's discontinuance motion will be sent to CPKC authorizing them to cease whistling within 30 days.

A fourth crossing at Wolf Creek Drive near the Highway 2A intersection is anticipated to qualify for whistle cessation once a pedestrian crossing is installed in 2024. Once the pedestrian crossing is completed, a separate motion to cease whistling at this location will be brought forward.

A fifth crossing on 50th Avenue (Highway 12) near the Highway 2A intersection did not receive approval for whistle cessation. The rail company requires significant intersection redesign that would negatively impact the efficiency of traffic moving through the intersection.

The 50th Avenue / Highway 2A intersection has one of the highest accident rates in the City and is approaching capacity. The City's 2020 Traffic Master Plan predicts that in its current configuration, the intersection will exceed capacity at the 17,500-population horizon (approx. ten years), and a redesign will be required to meet traffic needs.

To address these concerns, a project to review long-term solutions for this intersection is included for Council's consideration in the proposed 2024 Budget.

**with information from The City of Lacombe