Red Deer Catholic Regional Schools has released a legal document containing the explanations for the sanctions against Red Deer Catholic School Trustee Monique LaGrange at LaGrange’s legal counsel’s request. 

In August, LaGrange posted an image that compared a group children holding Nazi flags to another group of children holding Pride flags with the caption ‘Brainwashing is brainwashing’. The post was later deleted. 

During a school board meeting, the Red Deer Catholic Regional School board found LaGrange in violation of the trustee code of conduct and Alberta’s Education Act. The Board ruled that Lagrange will remain on the school board with sanctions in effect. 

Some of those sanctions include being censured from board committees or board committee meetings, attending sensitivity training, providing a letter of apology to students, staff, and the public among other orders. 

Here’s a look at the legal document LaGrange's legal counsel requested to be released:




auction poster